Monday, February 15, 2010

Unexpected 4 Day Weekend!!!

The unexpected for day weekend started Thrusday 2/11/2010. We were expecting snow that day but it wasn't suppose to be all that bad until late Thrusday night. But it started snowing early Thursday morning and didn't stop until late that night. I watched the news all morning waiting for LISD to close (which means Kenai's school is closed) but nothing. That is nothing until I was already on the highway. Right after I got on the highway they anounced that Lewisville ISD was closed for the day. So Kenai and I took the first exit and headed home!

Kenai didn't think the snow was all that bad at first but then Lizzy started doing something (notice whats going on in the back ground) and I think thats why Kenai started crying...or it could be that he was cold because he didn't have snow pants on. But who buys snow pants in Texas for a 9th old???

The first day of staying home with my boy was great but then Thursday night they announced that LISD was going to be closed again on Friday. I guess they were afraid of the possible icing but wouldn't you wait until it actually happened before closing? Friday...Kenai was into everything! I tried my best to keep him entertained but I am not sure I was as exciting as school would have been...I think he missed his friends.

So we don't have pictures of where he was actually getting into EVERYTHING
but that would be because I was to busy trying to keep him out of EVERYTHING!!!

Friday afternoon it was time for mommy to get out of the house!!! So we went shopping...what else would we do? We went to Target and then to Ross. Kenai decided to take after his older cousin Taylor and suck on the shopping cart. It must have tasted good because once he found it he didn't want to give it up...not even for a sippy cup full of juice.

Sunday was valentines day and Kenai loved his ballon. He also learned to dring from a sippy cup with a straw. It was funny because earlier that day we went to lunch with a bunch of people from church and I was telling Lindsay how he just couldn't do it yet. I guess he wanted to prove his mommy wrong.


  1. I knew you could use the big boy cup Kenai!! So proud :)

  2. Precious snow pics! We go to Target and Ross too (and Hobby Lobby) on those afternoons when we are needing to get out of the house!! Kenai, you are such a big boy!

  3. I just found your blog. I'm so excited Kenai can drink out of a sippy cup now, I guess he did need to prove you wrong - he was listening to every word you said at lunch:)
